Warrior Bonfire Program

Warrior Bonfire Program provides opportunities that improve the lives of Purple Heart recipients — those wounded in combat at the hand of the enemy — on their lifelong journey of recovery and healing. Your donations create activity-based, stress-free programs that promote camaraderie and therapeutic healing.


Build Support Communities

Foster Healing

Transform / Save Lives

"The time spent with fellow combat wounded, laughing, crying, messing with each other, helps put guys in a mind frame and comfort zone to let their guard down a bit, just enough, to start seeing that they CAN make it work, find a purpose again, and be alright with the appreciation shown to them by so many good Patriots who are around at WBP events."

-Jason J. ~ Purple Heart Member

Are you a Purple Heart Recipient looking to connect with other Purple Hearts?

Click below to learn more, find support, and become a part of our community.

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Make An Impact

There are a variety of ways to support the Purple Heart recipients of the Warrior Bonfire Program. You can host a small fundraiser, donate the use of a vacation home, cover cost of meals or activities, make an introduction to a sponsor, or volunteer your time and/or talent.

Other Ways To Give

Warrior Bonfire on Amazon Prime Video

Step inside a Warrior Bonfire Purple Heart Retreat to see and hear directly from veterans why recreational and small group therapies are needed. Episode 1 of 6, Colorado Cold.

Watch Now


Total Funds to Programs


Therapeutic Opportunities


Positive Impact

Our Donors