Warrior Bonfire Program
Warrior Bonfire Program provides opportunities that improve the lives of enemy combat-wounded veterans—Purple Heart recipients—on their lifelong journey of recovery and healing. Your donations create activity-based, stress-free programs that promote camaraderie and therapeutic healing.
DonateFoster Healing
Build Support Communities
Transform Lives
"The time spent with fellow combat wounded, laughing, crying, messing with each other, helps put guys in a mind frame and comfort zone to let their guard down a bit, just enough, to start seeing that they CAN make it work, find a purpose again, and be alright with the appreciation shown to them by so many good Patriots who are around at WBP events."
-Jason J. ~ Purple Heart Member
Warrior Bonfire on Amazon Prime Video
Step inside a Warrior Bonfire Purple Heart Retreat to see and hear directly from veterans why recreational and small group therapies are needed. Episode 1 of 6, Colorado Cold.
Watch NowOver Ten Years of Dividing the Pain and Multiplying the Joy! Est. 2013
Total Funds to Programs
Therapeutic Opportunities
Positive Impact