Our Programs

Bonfire Adventure Retreats

Our signature multi-day retreat events incorporate recreational and group therapies. These events encompass activities designed to foster camaraderie, physical achievements, and an overall healthy mindset. The groups are comprised of six Purple Hearts, either active duty or non-active duty men and women service members. Our events and members are nationwide. Activities include, but not limited to, hunting, fishing, skiing, surfing, horseback riding, caving, whitewater rafting, and hiking. Each event includes our Bonfire American Flag Retirement Ceremony in honor of our fallen brothers and sisters.

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Strong Heart Spouses Retreats

Our spouses' retreats are full of rest and relaxation to help energize and motivate our most treasured caregivers of our modern-day heroes. These caregivers have an opportunity to listen and learn from each other, with the ultimate goal of finding support. Many of our veterans have asked for help to find ways to repay their spouses and we are working to answer their call. If you are a spouse of a post 9/11 Purple Heart Veteran, please sign up here to enjoy one of our weekends.

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Strong Hearts Couples Retreats

Retreats designed for couples to promote stronger relationships for the Veteran and their partner in life. These retreats follow the same structure as our Bonfire Adventure Retreats but with focus on time spent together. Many experience similar struggles in their relationships and again being around those that understand can help bring clarity, understanding and positive change. These retreats are currently for our Bonfire Alumni until the program grows further.

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Beyond The Bonfire

Beyond The Bonfire is our leadership development program designed to help our members find greater growth in their mental health, daily lives, and community involvement. Members that have attended our programs multiple times and express a desire to give back to the organization, help their fellow Purple Hearts, or find greater personal growth, are offered roles in the areas of, retreat leadership, general operations, public speaking, program ambassadors, peer to peer support services, and participation in our Give Back Work Week program.

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Jammin' At The Bonfire

Jammin' At The Bonfire - our version of music therapy, organized in Jackson, MS and Denver, CO with local musicians and the V.A. Medical Centers. Once a month our volunteer musicians create a jam session at various facilities. If you are a musician and interested in bringing this to your area VA please contact us at info@warriorbonfireprogram.org. We know we can't get everyone out to a Bonfire so we are bringing it to them. Music therapy works every time! No reservations required!

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Campfires are events that are offered to the Warrior Bonfire Program that do not fall in the direct scope of our Bonfire Adventures program. These can be opportunities offered to one or many Purple Heart Veterans within a local community such as, special events, hunting or fishing opportunities, sporting event tickets, financial assistance or anything that a donor would like to offer as a gift for the Veterans service to our nation. If you have a something to offer please feel free to contact us at info@warriorbonfireprogram.org.

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