
2017 Warrior Bonfire Program Year in Review


January 2, 2018


The success of 2017 is truly a reflection of our donors and partners. Without you we couldn’t have:

Increased our membership by 50%
Added 18 more events to our records
Visited 14 different states
Actively served 108 Purple Heart Veterans
Supported our membership of nearly 250

Thank You!

Your commitment of an ongoing monthly donation of $15 offers the Warrior Bonfire Program the ability to plan future events and give our Purple Heart Veterans that are struggling from their injuries sustained in combat, more opportunities to:

Battle Isolation
Find support to combat self medication
See hope in the future
Find a new purpose beyond service

Join Us to IGNITE the Bonfire!

“Remember, you’re not just sending six guys hunting, you’re convincing six guys to not kill themselves.”
                                                                                                                                                                ~ Purple Heart Greg Williams

​for $15 a Month