
Keep On Keepin On!

WBP Staff Writer Helen Phillips

November 8, 2023

The bottom line is we, the Warrior Bonfire Program and many other veteran organizations, are fighting to prevent suicide among our combat wounded military service members, both active duty and veterans. Therefore when it was reported back that the common theme and conversation at our largest attended Bonfire of the year, was resiliency and the acceptance that life is tough but no matter what, one must “keep on keepin on”, was thrilling!

Over and over those in attendance shared present day hard times happening to them. Divorce, financial struggles, family issues, health setbacks, substance abuse, and instability in the world, collectively brought about an understanding that this very well might be the norm and taking away the power these negative forces can hold over them may be the answer to cope and navigate these difficult times.  Encouragement among the group, vet to vet, can sometimes be the most effective tool against accepting defeat and sucoming to suicide. These relationships are necessary and vital.

There are issues in this world for everyone, but when coupled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, compounding health issues, brain injuries, confusion, hallucinations, paranoia, and more, those every day “issues” that everyone has, can feel insurmountable.

Together and with each other, this group of Purple Heart recipients can hold each other to the battle cry to Keep On Keepin On!!