
Somebody Always Understands


January 8, 2019


If you have ever had a true traumatic experience that you believe in your heart of hearts is unique to you and there is no one on the planet that can understand or relate, well then this story is for you, to show you that you are way wrong!

Recently on one of our retreat events two of our Purple Hearts were given the opportunity to come face to face with someone that completely understood their trauma, injury, and recovery process. Retired U.S. Army SSG Brian B. and CPT David I., in December 2018 at our 67th Bonfire in Johnson’s Bayou, LA, began to share with each other how they each became amputees.  As their stories unfolded they were amazed to learn that they each had been sitting in the same type of vehicle in the same seat with their leg under the radio mount, when IED blasts changed their lives forever. Although they were in different locations in Afghanistan on different dates, the resulting injuries, fears, anxieties and recovery paths were the same.  Each men having lost their leg in the same way gave these two Purple Heart Veterans a connection and bond forever.

“I have never met anyone that was injured in the same way I was, it was really neat to hear David saying the same things I was. I can’t explain it but it was just amazing!” Brian B., Purple Heart Army

At the Warrior Bonfire Program our retreat events for post 9/11 Purple Heart Veterans are geared towards providing small groups of 6 at a time, the ability to be with those like themselves. Those combat veterans whose direction in life was changed, whose career path ended, and whose will to live was tested and in some cases still tested daily.  Please share our stories and help us serve more, it’s the least we can do in return for their sacrifice.