Turning Challenges Into A Challenge
Helen Phillips Staff Writer
July 15, 2022
Our recent Purple Heart Warrior Bonfire Retreat in Granby, Colorado with the impressive Rocky Mountains all around, provided the perfect setting for our veterans and activity duty members. Whether these individuals have been out of the military for a while or are in the middle of the transition to civilian life, our retreats offer open small group discussions at an opportune time! These discussions help open their eyes to a world where it is okay to talk about their struggles and helps them to see that there is a multitude of organizations, volunteers, and resources, ready and waiting to help them with whatever comes their way.
The transition from military to civilian life is difficult for many reasons, especially if the individual carries wounds from combat. Navigating the VA, managing medical issues, structuring your own day, finding a new path and purpose, along with adapting to family life at home, can be made incredibly easier by connecting with a small group of veterans that have been through that transition already.