Bonfire #224

Warfighter Scuba Bonfire - New to Scuba Only

June 5 - 9th, 2025

Ottawa, OH

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Intensity Level – High

Want to learn to scuba dive and get certified?!

This event is for 4 Purple Hearts that are new to diving! Don’t hesitate! Diving is beneficial for those managing TBI’s & PTSD.

In partnership with Warfighter Scuba, we will be learning to dive in Gilboa Quarry in Ottawa, Ohio! Sunken boats, planes, and buses offer a great course for learning. You will also learn why diving has health benefits along with safety measures and how to find other dives for the future.  How better to learn than with other Purple Hearts who have experienced similar challenges!?

Important Things to Know

Completed Physical Forms Due by March 28th

Diving requires all participants to have a physical WELL IN ADVANCE, with a medical questionnaire filled out and signed by a physician, as with all certifying groups of SSI (Scuba Schools International).  If needed Warfighter Scuba can help you work with Divers Alert Network to connect you with medical providers that specialize in dive medicine that can answer just about any medical question you may have. 

This is a tent camping event.

Tents and air mattresses are provided. Participants bring their own sleeping bag and pillows.

Meals prepared at campsite on a grill.

  Basic camping friendly menu. Some meals will be local restaurant dining. 

Equipment is provided. Do not purchase equipment.  

Online class completion prior to arrival.

A series of online classes are required to be completed prior to arrival. These courses will take roughly 6 – 9 hours to complete. Doesn’t not need to be completed all in one sitting.


Prior to placement, an interview will take place to make certain you have a full understanding of the health requirements and commitments. Safety for all is a priority.

This event is open to 5 Purple Hearts – priority given to those that are new to diving and have not traveled with WBP.

Travel, food, shared tents, and diving equipment are all included and are at no expense to the warrior.

Event dates include travel days

Request to Attend Below

Note – Bonfire # and activities may change.

Not already a Registered Member? Fill out our Member Registration

Request to Attend this Bonfire Retreat

When registering for a trip please keep in mind that airfare is extremely expensive and, if chosen for this Bonfire trip, we ask that you do everything in your power to attend the event. Last minute cancellations are not refundable and credits must be used within the year. Wasted funds hurt the entire program. This may impact your ability to fly for future Bonfire events. Thank you.