At the Bonfire Blog

Purple Heart Couples Retreats

The Importance of Retreats for Purple Heart Couples

Connecting Purple Heart Recipients with American History

A Journey of Sacrifice and Resilience

The Power of Rare Experiences

Providing activities and opportunities that wouldn't otherwise be experienced can offer healing, hope, and joy!

Empowering Purple Heart Recipients: Inside the Recent Bonfire Leader Training Retreat

At the heart of the Warrior Bonfire Program lies a profound commitment to support and empower Purple Heart recipients on their journey to healing. Beyond the transformative Bonfire retreats lies a remarkable initiative: the Beyond the Bonfire program. This is our leader development path designed for our members to take on ownership of portions of the organization.

Healing Waters: A Retreat for Purple Heart Warriors on Lake Sam Rayburn

In the tranquil embrace of Lake Sam Rayburn, amidst the whispering pines and shimmering waters, something profound happens. It's not just about the thrill of the catch; it's about the healing that takes place, the bonds forged, and the camaraderie rekindled.

Honoring Sacrifice: Purple Heart Members March in the Bataan Memorial Death March

Purple Hearts marching 26 mile through rugged terrain, they honored the legacy of those who sacrificed their lives in the Bataan Death March during World War II, while forging bonds of strength and support that would carry them through the journey.